<p>Astrid Wen is a Child and Family Psychologist specializing in Theraplay. She was invited to the International Theraplay Conference in Chicago, 2016 to present "Theraplay Development in Indonesia" and earned the nickname "Mother of Theraplay Indonesia" from Tabloid Nakita.</p>
<p>Together with various play therapists in Asia, she is a contributing writer for the chapter "Play Therapy in Indonesia" which contains the history of the development of Theraplay and Play Therapy in Indonesia in the book "Play Therapy in Asia", The Chinese University Press, Hong Kong, 2017.</p>
<p>Astrid has experience helping children and families with emotional problems, a history of violence, and relationship problems with their loved ones. Astrid's interests are in Theraplay, Relationships, Love, Play, Child Development and Family. Apart from practice, she also provides consulting in education, developing creative content and programs, and teaching/sharing her knowledge. Together with her colleagues, she founded Theraplay Indonesia and PION Clinician. Astrid enjoys studying, teaching, traveling and drinking coffee.</p>
Almira Devina, M. Psi., Psikolog
Psikolog Anak, Masalah Tumbuh Kembang Anak, Masalah Pengasuhan, Relasi Keluarga, Relasi Orangtua dan Anak, Masalah Emosi pada Anak dan Remaja
Almira Devina, M. Psi., Psikolog
Almira adalah psikolog klinis anak lulusan Universitas Indonesia. Almira memiliki minat pada tumbuh kembang anak, bagaimana orang tua serta lingkungan dapat mengoptimalkan perkembangan anak, serta mendeteksi sedini mungkin masalah pada anak. Almira juga memiliki pengalaman dalam menangani masalah anak berkebutuhan khusus, pola asuh, relasi orangtua-anak, serta masalah emosi pada anak (seperti regulasi emosi, depresi, kecemasan, dan stres).
Sebagai upaya memahami dan membantu kliennya, Almira menggunakan pendekatan bermain untuk memahami klien anak lebih dalam. Dalam praktiknya Almira sering menggunakan pendekatan terapi kognitif-perilaku dan modifikasi perilaku. Almira juga aktif memberikan psikoedukasi pada orangtua dalam proses penanganan karena Almira percaya bahwa pengasuhan, penerimaan orangtua, serta relasi anak dan keluarga sangat berkaitan dengan perkembangan anak.
Mandy Ramadhanty Khaerunissa, M.psi.,psikolog
Psikolog Klinis Dewasa, Psikolog Pasangan, Regulasi Emosi, Pengembangan Diri, Kecemasan
Mandy Ramadhanty Khaerunissa, M.psi.,psikolog
Mandy merupakan seorang psikolog klinis lulusan Universitas Tarumanagara. Mandy memiliki minat pada isu kecemasan yang dirasakan oleh individu dewasa serta pada masala hubungan pada pasangan. Mandy percaya pasangan merupakan fondasi dari kondisi mental yang lebih stabil pada generasi mendatang. Ketika pasangan menikah memiliki hubungan yang harmonis dan stabil (saling berempati, saling memiliki kemampuan komunikasi asertif serta kemampuan problem solving yang efektif) maka pasangan tersebut akan membesarkan anak yang lebih stabil dan bahagia secara mental. Dalam membantu klien, Mandy cenderung menggunakan pendekatan kognitif serta humanistik, Mandy meyakini klien dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya ketika mendapatkan dukungan serta mampu mengidentifikasi alur dan inti dari permasalahan yang sedang mereka alami. Selain kegiatan di klinik, Mandy juga aktif memberikan psikoedukasi kepada masyarakat lewat platfrom sosial media, webinar dan juga seminar guna meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan kesehatan mental.
Dhuhita Karima, M.Psi., Psikolog
Masalah Orang Dewasa, Masalah Hubungan, Emosi dan Mood, Cemas, dan Pengembangan Diri
Dhuhita Karima, M.Psi., Psikolog
A psychologist or commonly called Ima, is an Adult Clinical Psychologist who graduated from the University of Indonesia (S1) and Padjadjaran University (S2 Profession) majoring in Adult Clinical. In practice, Ima handles adolescent and adult clients with problems such as stress, anxiety, emotion regulation, mood, social/couple/family relationships, self-development, and others. She uses clinical interventions to help clients deal with and resolve issues that are perceived as problems/challenges for them
Ratih Zulhaqqi, M. Psi., Psikolog
Hipnoterapi, Anak-anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, dan Keluarga
Ratih Zulhaqqi, M. Psi., Psikolog
Gilberta Permata Mahanani, M. Psi., Psikolog
Stres Kerja, Pasangan dan Keluarga, Pengalaman Traumatis, Psikologi Kesehatan, Kecemasan
Gilberta Permata Mahanani, M. Psi., Psikolog
Gilberta, who is familiarly called Gilby, is a dedicated Adult Clinical Psychologist. With practical experience in hospitals, companies and online platforms, Gilby is a professional with a wealth of experience. Infusing her practice with a love of continuous learning and mindfulness, Gilby relies on an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy approach to her work. Gilby specializes in a variety of areas, including Couples and Families, Trauma-related issues, Anxiety, Mental Health in the Workplace, and Health Psychology. Her belief is clear, yet powerful: “You can have better mental health if you fight for it!” This encapsulates its commitment to empowering individuals to actively engage in their mental health journey, promoting resilience and wellbeing.
Catherine Florentina, M.Psi., Psikolog
Masalah Belajar Pada Anak, Masalah Emosi Pada Anak dan Remaja, Keterlambatan Perkembangan
Catherine Florentina, M.Psi., Psikolog
The psychologist who is usually called Keke is a Clinical Psychologist for Children and Adolescents. Keke is a graduate of S1 Psychology from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta, then continued her Masters in Professional Psychology majoring in Clinical Children at Padjadjaran University. Keke has an interest in dealing with child and adolescent clients, with various problem areas including developmental problems, learning difficulties, anxiety problems, emotional regulation problems and barriers to social interaction. In practice, Keke uses a play approach and the principles of Behavioral Modification in intervening with clients ranging in age from children to teenagers.
L. Sandi Witarso, M.Psi., Psikolog
Masalah Orang Dewasa, Skizofrenia, Psikoterapi Klinis
L. Sandi Witarso, M.Psi., Psikolog
A psychologist or familiarly called Sandi is an adult clinical psychologist who graduated from the University of Indonesia. He has handled and learned a lot from clients with symptoms of anxiety, depression and trauma. He also has an interest in clinical psychotherapy.
His thesis on psychoeducational intervention aims to manage the caregiver burden on caregivers of people with schizophrenia. He is also active in participating in various seminars and communities related to schizophrenia.
Sandi is open to serving clients from teenagers to the elderly.
Katarina Ira Puspita, M.Psi., Psikolog
CBT, Social Skill Training, Keluarga, Cemas Pada Anak & Remaja
Katarina Ira Puspita, M.Psi., Psikolog
Katarina Ira Puspita, M. Psi., Psychologist or commonly called Karin is a Child and Adolescent Psychologist who practices at PION Clinician and Pela 9 Clinic, South Jakarta. She completed her undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University ofIndonesia and has been interested in Cognitive Behavior Therapy since she was in college.
Karin handles children and adolescents with various complaints such as learning difficulties, difficulty concentrating, developmental disorders, anxiety problems, lack of confidence and obstacles in social interaction. Currently, apart from practicing as a psychologist, he is a lecturer at the Psychology Department at Bina Nusantara University and also a companion psychologist for several talent search events for children and adolescents on television.
Linda Maysha, M.Psi., Psikolog
Perkembangan Anak & Remaja, Parenting, Brainspotting Therapy
Linda Maysha, M.Psi., Psikolog
Linda Maysha, M.Psi., Psychologist is a psychologist who graduated from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. She has experienced for handling issues around child & adolescence development, sensory processing, and learning process. She also has interest in psychosocial intervention and trauma. To support her practice, she studiedBrainspotting Therapy and Movement Therapy. Apart from practicing in clinic, she also active as a speaker and lecturer.
Patricia Yuannita T., M.Psi., Psikolog
Commuter Marriage / Pernikahan Jarak Jauh, Hubungan, Psikoterapi Klinis, Masalah Orang Dewasa
Patricia Yuannita T., M.Psi., Psikolog
Patricia Yuannita T., M. Psi., Psychologist or better known as Yoan is a graduate of the Masters in Adult Clinical Profession, University of Indonesia. In practice, Yoan has experience in handling cases or problems commonly experienced by young adults/students, especially mental health. In addition, Yoan has an interest in the topic of relationships/romantic relationships and marriage.
In clinical interventions, Yoan uses the integration of clinical psychotherapy, such as coaching and relaxation techniques to guide and assist her clients.
Ratu Rantilia Dwiputri, M. Psi., Psikolog
Hubungan Antar Pasangan (Pra-nikah dan Menikah), Pendekatan Berfokus Pada Komunikasi Dan Solusi Untuk Pasangan, Konseling Dengan Pendekatan Perilaku Kognitif
Ratu Rantilia Dwiputri, M. Psi., Psikolog
Ratu Rantilia Dwiputri, M.Psi., Psychologist, usually called Ranti in daily life, is an Adult Clinical Psychologist. She is a graduate of S1 Psychology from the Catholic University of Indonesia Atmajaya Jakarta, then continued her Masters in Professional Psychology majoring in Adult Clinical at Padjadjaran University, Bandung. She has interests in the areas of couples, love, premarital, marriage, clinical problems in adult individuals, and relationships in the family especially step-family.
She did Premarital Counseling in her thesis to help couples who are about to marry be better prepared through Improving Their Communication. She took a Couple Therapy Workshop to support himself in doing Interventions for Couples. In addition to partners, She also performs Clinical Interventions to help the problems of Adult Individuals
Ayunda Shabriani Tyara, M.Psi., Psikolog
Masalah Anak (Kesulitan Belajar, Gangguan Perkembangan Klinis, Hubungan Keluarga), Parenting
Ayunda Shabriani Tyara, M.Psi., Psikolog
Ayunda Shabriani Tyara M. Psi., Psi. is a Child Clinical Psychologist who completed her undergraduate education from Padjadjaran University and professional master's education from the University of Indonesia.
Experienced as a clinical assessor for children in schools and clinics, Tyara currently focuses on various areas of children's psychological problems including those related to learning difficulties, clinical development disorders, family relationships, and parenting patterns. In practice, Tyara often uses the principles of Behavioral Modification andCognitive Behavior Therapy in intervening with clients ranging in age from children to teenagers.
Rahmi Fajri, A. Md., Ot
sensory, ocupation, assesment, sensoryintegration
Rahmi Fajri, A. Md., Ot
Rahmi is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist, who graduated from University of Indonesia. Proffesional
experience with handling various clients such as special needs children with Learning disabilities,
Developmental disabilities (Autism spectrum disorders, Down Syndrom, Celebral Palsy, ADHD), Sensory
Processing Disorder, Feeding problem, Delay development of motor, cognitive, social, and emotional
skills. The main goals are to support the reintegration of individuals in daily living skills as well as to
increase their independence. Her Interventions primarily focused on self-care, productivity, and leisure
time activities.
She have some approach and intervention in doing therapy depend on problem of the childrens, her
skills highlight are Sensory integration, DIR Floortime, Feeding therapy, Hand writing without tears a
method therapy focus for stimulation fine motor, pre writing and writing, iLs (Integrated Hearing
System) this for improving brain and body function by combining music, movement, and language such
as SSP therapy (Safe and Sound Protocol) & Focus System therapy.
Apart from actively practicing as a therapist at PION Clinician, she also practices at the Brawijaya Clinic,
Rainbow Castle. She has services for home care who need private therapy at home. She has platform on
social media instagram called @mainan.sero to help and facilitate parents by providing a service for rent
therapeutic media and educational toys to stimulates child’s development.
Madasaina Putri, M.Psi., Psikolog
Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja, Pengasuhan, Masalah Orangtua Dengan Anak, Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, Tes Psikologi Untuk Anak Dan Remaja (Tes IQ, Tes Minat Bakat)
Madasaina Putri, M.Psi., Psikolog
Felita Oktaviani, M. Psi., Psikolog
Psikolog Klinis Umum, Kecemasan, Depresi, Trauma, Masalah Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja, Regulasi Emosi Anak dan Remaja
Felita Oktaviani, M. Psi., Psikolog
Felita adalah Psikolog Klinis Umum (Anak dan Dewasa) lulusan Universitas Tarumanagara. Dalam praktiknya, ia menangani kasus-kasus pada klien anak, remaja, dan dewasa dengan masalah seputar kecemasan, depresi, trauma, serta berbagai masalah perkembangan, perilaku, dan emosi pada anak dan remaja. Dalam menangani kasus-kasus tersebut, Felita umumnya menggunakan terapi kognitif perilaku, modifikasi perilaku, serta pendekatan humanistik. Selain berpraktik di klinik, Felita juga aktif menjadi narasumber dan pengajar.
Isabella Sasqia Mulya, M.Psi., Psikolog
Hubungan Interpersonal, Seksualitas & Gender, Karir & Akademis, Kecemasan, dan Depresi
Isabella Sasqia Mulya, M.Psi., Psikolog
Isabella adalah Psikolog Klinis Dewasa yang memperoleh gelar sarjana dan profesinya dari Universitas Indonesia.
Isabella memiliki pengalaman dan ketertarikan dalam menangani isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan relasi interpersonal seperti hubungan romantis, hubungan dengan keluarga, dan hubungan dengan lingkungan sosial; isu Seksualitas dan Gender seperti orientasi seksual, kecemasan seksual, dll; Isu perkembangan Karir dan Akademis seperti stres dalam lingkungan kerja, perencanaan karir, dll; maupun masalah kecemasan dan depresi. Dalam praktik membantu klien, Isabella banyak menggunakan prinsip-prinsip konseling menggunakan pendekatan Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, dan Client Centered.
Selain aktif sebagai psikolog, saat ini Isabella juga aktif sebagai konsultan di bidang human resource untuk membantu praktisi HR dalam mengelola sumber daya manusia.
Sarahsita Hendrianti, M.Psi., Psikolog
Pengembangan Diri, Trauma, Adiksi, EMDR
Sarahsita Hendrianti, M.Psi., Psikolog
Sarahsita Hendrianti, M.Psi., Psychologist, or commonly called Sarah, is an adult clinical psychologist who graduated from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta. She has a high interest in issues around gender, trauma, and addiction issues. To support her practice in dealing with clients, she studied EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) intervention/psychotherapy and Counseling using the Motivational Interviewing approach.
Apart from practicing as a clinical psychologist, she is also actively working as a researcher at the Atma Jaya HIV AIDS Research Center (PPH) and an associate assessor at a consulting bureau in Jakarta. In her spare time, she enjoys reading books, or writing letters to her pen pals.
Gracia Hanna Indra, M.Psi., Psikolog
Management Diri, Pengembangan Diri, Cemas, Depresi, Relasi Interpersonal
Gracia Hanna Indra, M.Psi., Psikolog
<p>Gracia is an adult clinical psychologist who graduated from the University of Indonesia. Gracia has an interest in a person's personal growth which includes various aspects and roles. She believes that everyone has hope and can achieve a meaningful life, even though there are obstacles and problems along the way.</p>
<p>Gracia works closely with clients to identify clients' personal potential and grow their strengths as individuals. In helping clients, Gracia likes to use evidence-based intervention approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance andcommitment therapy (ACT). In addition to practicing as a psychologist, she is also actively working as an associate assessor, trainer, and fills seminars on mental health</p>
Wulan is an Adult Clinical Psychologist who obtained her professional degree from Universitas Indonesia. Prior to that, she completed her Master's degree from King's College London.
Wulan's clinical experience encompasses treatments of stress management, burnout, anxiety disorders, depression, self-harm, and various topics related to self-development issues. She is mostly working with clients ranging from late teenagers to young adults and office employee clients (EAP). She implements evidence-based treatment in her therapy sessions, tailored towards the clients' specific needs. Her approach largely incorporates the principles of CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) and MBCT (Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy).
Wulan maintains a particular interest and is well-versed in working with clients of various cultural backgrounds. Currently, she also provides mental health services for international refugees and asylum - seekers under UNHCR in Indonesia. She also had experience working as a mental health care support worker in Sri Lanka and Bali.
<p>Arina is an Adult Clinical Psychologist who finished her undergraduate and professional degree from Universitas Indonesia. Since college, she has been interested with romantic relationship, family, and infertility-maternity issues because she believes that planning and maintaining a strong-healthy family are the basic foundation to individual psychological well-being.</p>
<p>She is currently active in clinical practice. She often handles clients with problems about romantic-marriage relationship, family, infertility-maternity, grief, various mental health issues, and adult problem in general. She also helps in EAP (Employee Assistance Program). She is largely using cognitive based therapy like CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy), and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) in her practice.</p>
Natasya Yustilira Lubis, M.Psi., Psikolog
Masalah perkembangan, regulasi emosi, perilaku, kecemasan, pola asuh, relasi orang tua-anak dan pengembangan diri remaja.
Natasya Yustilira Lubis, M.Psi., Psikolog
Natasya merupakan psikolog klinis anak dan remaja yang mendapat gelar sarjana dan magister profesi di Universitas Indonesia. Natasya memiliki minat di berbagai masalah psikologis anak dan remaja, seperti masalah perkembangan, emosi, perilaku, kecemasan, pola asuh, relasi orang tua-anak dan pengembangan diri. Dalam menjalani praktiknya, Natasya fokus untuk mengoptimalkan potensi dan hal-hal positif yang dimiliki kliennya. Natasya juga menggunakan prinsip-prinsip Positive Parenting dan Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
Maria T. Puspaningsih, M.Psi., Psikolog
Relaprofilesi (keluarga, pernikahan, pasangan, pertemanan), Komunikasi Efektif & Asertif, Self-Development, Life Skills Development, Permasalahan Remaja dan Orang Dewasa, Dukungan Psikologis Awal, Psikoterapis Klinis
Maria T. Puspaningsih, M.Psi., Psikolog
<p>Maria T. Puspaningsih (also known as “Puspa”) is a clinical psychologist who graduated from Maranatha Christian University. Puspa has great concern for helping teens and young adults to nurture their life skills. Teens and young adults are often overwhelmed by their social roles and responsibilities which may inflict psychological burdens Neglecting this issue can often mean passing over the negative impact on their offspring. Puspa routinely delivers counselling and coaching sessions to help teens and young adults address issues relating to their mental health. These counselling and coaching sessions cover areas such as interpersonal relationships, communication, personal development and mental well-being. Puspa actively engages in learning new trends and developments in clinical and therapeutic psychology to keep herself informed of the latest updates within her field of expertise.</p>
Rebeka Pinaima, M.Psi., Psikolog
Manajemen Stress, Hubungan, Keluarga, Pra-nikah dan Pernikahan
Rebeka Pinaima, M.Psi., Psikolog
<p>Rebeka Pinaima, M. Psi. is an Adult Clinical Psychologist who graduated from Atma Jaya University, Jakarta. She has interests in the areas of Personal Development, Relationships, Love, Couples and Marriage, Dynamics in the Family, and Clinical Psychotherapy/Intervention.</p>
<p>She wrote her thesis on "Solution Focused Pre-Maritial Counseling" because of her interest in helping young couples recognize and grow their strengths as a couple. She also enjoys teaching children and youth in seminars and workshops related to her interests. Apart from practicing as a psychologist, she is also actively working as an associate assessor and trainer.</p>
Rayi Tanjung Sari, M.Psi., Psikolog
Parenting, Speech Delay, Perkembangan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus
Rayi Tanjung Sari, M.Psi., Psikolog
Rayi Tanjung Sari, M. Psi, a psychologist who is usually called Rayi is a Child Clinical Psychologist who graduated from the University of Indonesia. Rayi has a great interest in the world of children, especially in the development of children and children with special needs.
Rayi is interested in play-based psychological interventions. Rayi has taken Level One and Level Two Theraplay training, she is in the scope of her private practice able to apply psychological interventions based on Theraplay principles. She is also one of the founders of Theraplay Indonesia.
Apart from actively practicing as a psychologist at PION Clinician, she also practices at the Kancil Clinic. She also gives practical time at Cakra Buana School and My Playmall Child Care & Preschool. In her spare time Rayi likes to spend quality time with her friends.
Kadek Widya Gunawan, M.Psi., Psikolog
Emotional Problems (Anxiety, Depression), Romantic Relationships, Sexual & Gender-based Violence (SGBV), Psychological Trauma, and Behavioral Addiction.
Kadek Widya Gunawan, M.Psi., Psikolog
<p>Widy is an adult clinical psychologist, graduated from Universitas Indonesia. His experiences and interests are in the area of adolescent and young adult related issues,such as emotional problems (i.e. anxiety and depression), romantic relationship, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), psychological trauma, and behavioral addiction (i.e. gambling, internet, videogame, pornography, and sexual). Other than that, Widy is also keen to help clients in the area of self-development, such as by giving mindfulness training (i.e. mindful couple, mindfulness in daily living, mindfulness in the workplace), self-love, and self-compassion. </p>
<p>Widy employs the principles of motivational interviewing, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), and healing inner child to help the clients dealing with their problems. Nowadays, Widy actively doing mental health consultation for the refugees and asylum seekers under the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). Previously, Widy had worked as a couple counselor and mindfulness coach.</p>
Cindi Nabilla Maharani, M.Psi., Psikolog
Masalah perkembangan, masalah emosi dan relasi pada anak & remaja, pengembangan diri remaja, parenting, dan manajemen stress.
Cindi Nabilla Maharani, M.Psi., Psikolog
Claudya Carolina, M.Psi., Psikolog
Masalah Akademis/Kognitif, Kecemasan, Depresi, dan Trauma Psikologis
Claudya Carolina, M.Psi., Psikolog
<p>Claudya is a child and adolescent clinical psychologist who obtained her bachelor's and master's degrees from Universitas Indonesia. She is interested and experienced in handling various psychological problems that occur in children and adolescents, such as neurodevelopmental problems, academic/cognitive problems, anxiety, depression, and psychological trauma.</p>
<p>Currently, Claudya is also active in providing therapy to help children and adolescents who have experienced psychological problems that are caused by bullying, sexual violence, or domestic violence. In her practice, Claudya often uses Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Social Skills Training approaches. She is also experienced in providing group-based psychological therapy. Beside practicing, Claudya has an interest in conducting research in the field of psychology.</p>
Irma Afriyanti Bakhtiary, M.Psi., Psikolog
Menyusui, Hipnoterapi, Anak-anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, dan Keluarga
Irma Afriyanti Bakhtiary, M.Psi., Psikolog
<p>Irma, often called Ma'i, focuses on the development of children with special needs, also whom with specific learning difficulties. Ma'i has great interest in breastfeeding or lactation. She has become breastfeeding counselor and already completed the WHO/Unicef 40 hour breastfeeding counseling training module in 2012. Recently Ma'i completed her course as a Certified Hypnotherapist from IBH (Indonesian Board Hypnotherapist).</p>
Dian Oriza, M.Psi., Psikolog
Acceptance Commitment Therapy
Dian Oriza, M.Psi., Psikolog
<p>Dian graduated from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia as a clinical psychologist. She has completed her doctoral degree and has had a very fulfilling 16- year career as a clinical psychologist, teaching, counseling, supervising and managing. Apart from being a psychologist, Dian works as a lecturer at a well-known university and enjoys her role in teaching and being a lecturer for psychology students.</p>
<p>She teaches Abnormal Psychology, Clinical Psychology, and Observational and Interview Methods, as well as Gender Psychology. Dian is registered with the Association of Clinical Psychology - IPK (Association of Clinical Psychology) and is a full member of the Indonesian Psychological Society (Indonesian Psychological Association - HIMPSI).</p>
<p>Dian has experience with various clients in areas such as depression, anxiety, trauma, grief and behavioral problems in the elderly. In addition, she has experience working with couples who are experiencing relationship difficulties. He prefers to use evidence-based interventions such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), as well as other paradigms (such as schema therapy and transpersonal approaches) that have been shown to promote benefits in a person's functioning, beliefs, and well-being.</p>
<p>Dian strives to create strong therapeutic relationships with clients with the aim of helping them achieve rich and meaningful lives</p>
Khansa merupakan Psikolog Klinis lulusan Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya. Baginya, setiap pencapaian dalam hidup layak untuk diperhitungkan, termasuk menyadari dan memutuskan untuk menghadapi masalah yang sedang dihadapi sebagai bagian dari proses. Bidang minat Khansa meliputi masalah emosi, dinamika keluarga, relasi, seksualitas dan gender, serta perkembangan diri. Dalam membantu klien, Khansa mengedepankan kenyamanan dan kemanan klien dengan pendekatan humanistik. Selain berpraktik di klinik, Khansa juga aktif menhadi keynote speaker dalam komunitas dan kegiatan sosial yang bergerak dibidang kesehatan mental.
Catharina Sri Indah Gunarti, M.Psi., Psikolog
Toleransi Stress, Relaksasi, Kelekatan / Attachment, Kesehatan Mental Di Tempat Kerja, Cemas
Catharina Sri Indah Gunarti, M.Psi., Psikolog
Catharina Sri Indah Gunarti, M.Psi., Psychologist is a graduate of the Adult Clinical Psychology profession from the University of Indonesia. Since her undergraduate studies in Bandung, Indah has been actively participating in volunteer activities at one of the foundations for chronic disease patients and is still active as a volunteer at the foundation. After graduating from college, Indah worked for one of the biggest companies in Indonesia to deal with mental health issues in the workplace.
Indah has an interest in dealing with various problems faced by patients and families with chronic illnesses to termination of illness, family and relationship problems, health psychology, anxiety and depression problems. In addition to clinical practice, Indah also develops preventive programs for the emergence of mental health problems.
Stefanus Suryono, M.Psi., Psikolog
Pengembangan karier, minat dan bakat untuk penjurusan, manajemen diri, permasalahan remaja dan dewasa awal
Stefanus Suryono, M.Psi., Psikolog
Stefanus Suryono adalah Psikolog Pendidikan lulusan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. Stefanus memiliki minat terhadap masalah remaja dan dewasa awal, seperti penentuan jurusan kuliah, pemilihan karier, identitas, dan manajemen diri. Dalam menangani klien, Stefanus menggunakan pendekatan berbasis prinsip behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, dan solution-focused therapy. Stefanus juga berpengalaman dalam memberikan pelatihan soft skill seperti kemampuan komunikasi, kepemimpinan, manajemen stres, dan self-awareness. Saat ini Stefanus bekerja sebagai mentor untuk membantu remaja SMA menentukan pilihan jurusan dan membangun profil terbaik agar mereka dapat diterima di berbagai universitas terbaik di luar negeri. Stefanus juga aktif di berbagai kegiatan volunteering sebelumnya, seperti menjadi mental health coach dan mentor untuk mahasiswa dan fresh graduate.
Dhaniella Nurrifda, A. Md. Ot., S. Psi
Dhaniella Nurrifda, A. Md. Ot., S. Psi
Dhanella is an Occupational Therapist who graduated from the University of Indonesia and
Psychology at Paramadina University. Dhanella has an interest in children development and
school-based occupational therapy. She believes that every child has assets and limitations that
can make children grow. For her the role of family and people who are in charge of the child's
environment is very important. Dhanella's areas of interest in growth and development include
sensory, motor, perceptual, neuromuscular, emotional regulation, learning difficulties, and
psychosocial skills. In helping children grow and develop, Dhanella uses the DIR/Floortime
approach, sensory integration, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Dhanella has also taken level
one of the DIR/Floortime training and applied the DIR/Floortime principles to intervention and
education for parents, teachers, and also caregivers. For late 3 years Dhanella has been active
in school-based occupational therapy at an inclusive school and also active in activities at the
Rahma Paramita, M.Psi.
Masalah Hubungan, Emosi, Masalah Kepribadian atau Klinis lainnya, EMDR
Rahma Paramita, M.Psi.
<p>Child and Family Psychologist & Theraplay Practitioner who has interest & experience in education. He took 2 masters, namely a professional master's degree in Child Psychology from the University of Indonesia in 2004 and a master's degree in Business Management from Prasetya Mulya in 2014. Mita has been actively working and contributing for more than 10 years in the field of Education and Curriculum for Children and Youth. In 2014 he started taking Theraplay as her specialty and is currently working on a full certification as Theraplay Therapist from The Theraplay Institute, Chicago. Together with her friends, he founded PION Clinician and Theraplay Indonesia.</p>
Klarinthia Ratri, M. Psi., Psikolog
Klarinthia Ratri, M. Psi., Psikolog
Klarinthia Ratri, better known as Intha, is an adult clinical psychologist with a deep passion and interest in romantic relationships and gender issues. Klarinthia Ratri graduated from Universitas Indonesia (UI) as one of the best graduates, achieving cum laude honors. During her education, Intha volunteered and contributed to several mental health service organizations and YouTube channels focused on relationship counseling. Currently, Intha practices at several clinics specializing in family, couples, and trauma experiences. Intha has experience in conducting Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and is currently specializing in couple therapy using the Gottman approach. Intha believes that every individual possesses values and principles that serve as their compass in life. Therefore, she is dedicated to assisting and supporting her clients in their journey to self-understanding, moving towards their held values, and implementing them in every step of their lives.
Farah Fairuz, M. Psi., Psikolog
Tes Kesiapan Sekolah, Tes Intelegensi, Kecemasan Remaja, Pola Asuh Anak
Farah Fairuz, M. Psi., Psikolog
Farah is a Clinical Psychologist who graduated from Gunadarma University. Farah has an interest in child development. She has screening of children from 3 months to 5 years old. She believes that optimal growth and development of children is supported by internal and external factors. Farah’s area of interest include child development, school readiness test, parenting, and anxiety in adolescents. Farah applies Art Therapy interventions in writing her Thesis and has participated in training held by Indonesian Art Therapy experts and is part of the Indonesan Art Therapy Community. Apart from her activies at the clinic, Farah is also active in social activities such as psychoeducation at an Orphanage in Jakarta and writing books related to mental health. Farah is also an active member of the IPK (Association of Clinical Psychologist) and HIMPSI (Indonesian Psychological Association).
Silvyana Hianto, M.Psi., Psikolog
Masalah perkembangan (sensori, regulasi emosi), kesulitan belajar, dan relasi orang tua-anak.
Silvyana Hianto, M.Psi., Psikolog
<p>Silvy is an Educational Psychologist who graduated from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. Silvy has interest in children and adolescents development, as well as their relationship with their parents. She believes that every child has the potential to flourish, even though there are obstacles in their developmental period. Silvy's areas of interest includes developmental problems, learning difficulties, sensory issues in children, emotional regulation, and parent-child relationships.</p>
<p>In helping her clients, Silvy uses a humanistic and cognitive-behavioral approach. Silvy has also taken Theraplay level one training from Theraplay Institute, Chicago and applied the theraplay principle intervention in providing psycho-education to parents and teachers. In addition to her activities at the clinic, Silvy is also active in social activities related to individuals with mental disorders and public awareness of mental health.</p>
Sarah Rumasita Siahaan, MA, M.Psi, Psikolog
Anxiety, Depression, Relationship Issues, Family.
Sarah Rumasita Siahaan, MA, M.Psi, Psikolog
<p>Sarah is an Adult Clinical Psychologist who obtained her undergraduate degree from Universitas Indonesia and professional degree from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. She also completed her Master's degree in Human Resource Management from Bournemouth University, UK. After working for more than 10 years in corporations mainly in Human Resource and Communication, she decided to go back to university to obtained her professional degree in psychology. She wrote her thesis on “Anxiety and Depression in Coronary Heart Disease Patient with Type D Personality” because she has interest in health psychology.</p>
<p>Her clients range from young adults to elderly with problems around stress, anxiety, depression, romantic-marriage relationship, family, grief, and adult problems in general. She also helps in Employee Assistance Program (EAP). In her counselling/therapy sessions, she applies an approach based on the principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).</p>
<p>Sarah is registered with the Association of Clinical Psychology - IPK (Association of Clinical Psychology) and is a full member of the Indonesian Psychological Society (Indonesian Psychological Association - HIMPSI).</p>
Valerie Purnomo, M.Psi., Psikolog
Kecemasan, depresi, demotivasi, pemerimaan diri, pengembangan diri, dan regulasi emosi
Valerie Purnomo, M.Psi., Psikolog
Shabrina Audinia, M. Psi., Psikolog
Relasi dengan Keluarga, Hubungan Interpersonal, Kecemasan, Depresi, Self-harm, Kedukaan, Isu Pernikahan, Isu Akademik
Shabrina Audinia, M. Psi., Psikolog
Shabrina merupakan Psikolog Klinis Dewasa yang memperoleh gelar sarjana dan profesinya di Universitas Indonesia dengan predikat cum laude. Shabrina berpengalaman menangani keluhan terkait isu keluarga, masalah hubungan, kecemasan, depresi, kedukaan, akademik, serta pekerjaan.
Di dalam sesi, Shabrina menggunakan pendekatan sesuai dengan basis ilmiah, seperti Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), client centered, Motivational Interviewing, dan Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). Shabrina memiliki berbagai pengalaman kerja di berbagai industri, mulai dari konsultan HR, pendidikan, start-up, hingga pertambangan.
Selain praktik sebagai psikolog, Shabrina juga aktif memberikan psikoedukasi melalui seminar dan pelatihan, melakukan penelitian, serta melakukan gerakan pemberdayaan komunitas di bidang kesehatan mental.
Tri Swasono Hadi, M.Psi., Psikolog
Masalah Hubungan, Emosi, Masalah Kepribadian atau Klinis lainnya, dan EMDR
Tri Swasono Hadi, M.Psi., Psikolog
<p>Tri graduated from the University of Indonesia as an Adult Clinical Psychologist. Tri spent the early days of her career building her own business and advising several companies and institutions while continuing to take various trainings and courses to enrich her knowledge and skills in psychology.</p>
<p>At Pion Clinician, Tri is one of the experts with experience in dealing with adult relationships including spouse anger or ego management and domestic violence issues. His extensive experience, knowledge and skills in couples counseling make him a frequent speaker to lead Pre-Marriage Psychology sessions</p>
Lidia Wati, M.Psi., Psikolog
Strong Test Inventory, Keluarga, Masa Muda / Anak Muda
Lidia Wati, M.Psi., Psikolog
<p>Lidia is an Educational Psychologist who graduated from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. Her experience working with children and youth with special needs, families and schools has made him more interested in developing an education that is suitable for the development and needs of children. Lidia has the ability to apply art therapy approaches as well as cognitive behavior therapy in providing interventions.</p>
<p>In addition, Lidia has also taken level one Theraplay training from Theraplay Institute, Chicago and applied the theraplay principle intervention in providing psychoeducation to parents and teachers. In addition to her activities at the clinic, Lidia is also active in various social activities that are engaged in empowering women and children through a foundation managed with several colleagues.</p>
Bernadette Cindy Leo, M.Psi., Psikolog
Masalah perkembangan dan pendidikan anak & remaja, pola asuh orangtua, pendidikan dan perkembangan anak berkebutuhan khusus, emotion coaching orangtua.
Bernadette Cindy Leo, M.Psi., Psikolog
Cindy is an Educational Psychologist who graduated from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. Cindy has interest in children and adolescents development, as well as their relationship with their parents, and the education (e.g. school readiness, interests and talents, focus and concentration problems, learning motivation, learning difficulties, and emotional regulation problems).
Cindy also has an interest in the development of special needs children and their education, make an Individual Educational Program (IEP) for them, and parenting styles. Cindy believes that every child has potential that can be developed optimally if it is in the right environment (such as parenting, facilities, teaching methods, and the right system).
Yuanita Zandy Putri, M.Psi., Psikolog
Cemas, Pra-nikah, Psikoterapi Klinis, Masalah Remaja dan Dewasa
Yuanita Zandy Putri, M.Psi., Psikolog
Yuanita Zandy Putri, M.Psi., Psychologist is a graduate of S1 and S2 Psychology from the University of Indonesia. Adult clinical major. After graduating, she is currently active in clinical practice. Usually handles common cases such as stress, anxiety, depression, mood, relationships, trauma, etc. Often get teenage clients. Become an associate assessor and trainer.
Have more interest in the areas of adolescent self-development, adolescent & parent relationships, and pre-marital preparation. Using clinical psychotherapy (integrated therapy) to help clients deal with and resolve things they judge as problems/obstacles/challenges. In particular the use of relaxation in clinical practice.
Nania Permatasari, M.Psi., Psikolog
Keluarga, Hubungan, Pengembangan Diri, Manajemen Diri
Nania Permatasari, M.Psi., Psikolog
Nania Permatasari, M. Psi. is an adult clinical psychologist who graduated from Atma Jaya Unika, Jakarta with a thesis focus on "the provision of group therapy for patients with systemic lupus".
Nania has a deep and experienced interest in issues related to mental health, trauma healing, relationships/relationships, performance enhancement, parenting, and intervention/clinical psychotherapy. According to her interests and experiences, several times he was invited to be a speaker in seminars and a speaker on the radio. Apart from practicing as a clinical psychologist, she is also active as an associate assessor and lecturer.
Ni Ketut Wahyuni Pratiwi S, A. Md Ot
Ni Ketut Wahyuni Pratiwi S, A. Md Ot
Nike is an experienced Occupational Therapist graduated from University of Indonesia, equipped with
more than 5 years of experience in delivering effective therapy program for children with special
needs, especially in the sensory integration developmental problems. Her experience in collaborating
with psychologist and teachers generates effective and personalized consultation, therapy plan and
objective for each children. With broad expertise in sensory integration area, she helps children
improves their sensory, motoric, postural control, and socio-emotion developmental skills to support
their independence. She believes that every child born with their own uniqueness, not limitations,
therefore with her strong interest and expertise in child growth and development she hopes for a
good collaboration and communication with the parents and other family members to successfully
deliver the therapy programs for every children.
In addition to that, Nike also experienced in delivering medical rehabilitation therapy programs for
adult and elderly patients, specifically for post-stroke cognitive and physically impaired patients
through her collaboration with medical rehabilitation specialist doctors in one of the most reputable
hospital in Indonesia.
Nurul Annisa, M.Psi., Psikolog
Parenting, Masalah Belajar & Sekolah, Pengembangan Diri Bagi Remaja, Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, and Tes Psikologi (Kesiapan Sekolah, Tes Minat Bakat)
Nurul Annisa, M.Psi., Psikolog
Psychologist or who is familiarly called Nurul is a Child Clinical Psychologist who graduated from the University of Indonesia. Her experience as a counselor in shelters and schools made Nurul interested in issues related to the role of the family in child development, parenting, mental health in children, children with special needs, and learning difficulties.
In addition to clinical practice, she also has experience as an assessor for children's school readiness. Play is the approach she is most interested in in the process of dealing with children's problems, as well as behavior modification.</p>
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